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January 4, 2025

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US flagJanuary 4, 2025
US flag1/4/25

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Saturday, December 21, 2024
Starting from December 21, 2024

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Days from TodayDate+14 Days
-5 daysDecember 16, 2024December 30, 2024
-4 daysDecember 17, 2024December 31, 2024
-3 daysDecember 18, 2024January 1, 2025
-2 daysDecember 19, 2024January 2, 2025
-1 daysDecember 20, 2024January 3, 2025
TodayDecember 21, 2024January 4, 2025
+1 daysDecember 22, 2024January 5, 2025
+2 daysDecember 23, 2024January 6, 2025
+3 daysDecember 24, 2024January 7, 2025
+4 daysDecember 25, 2024January 8, 2025
+5 daysDecember 26, 2024January 9, 2025

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Historical Moments in 14 Days

The Apollo 11 Lunar Mission (1969)

The entire Apollo 11 mission, from launch to landing on the moon and back, took just over eight days, with the moon landing occurring on the fourth day. While the planning and preparation for Apollo 11 spanned years, the execution of this monumental space journey — traveling to the moon, landing, conducting experiments, and safely returning to Earth — happened within a period of less than 14 days. This achievement was a turning point in space exploration and human history.

The Building of the Empire State Building’s Upper Floors (1931)

While constructing the Empire State Building was a lengthy endeavor, the speed at which the upper floors were erected was extraordinary. At peak efficiency, the construction team completed a full story per day, meaning that 14 floors could be constructed in about two weeks. This intense period of work was part of what enabled the entire skyscraper to be completed in just over a year, an impressive timeline for a project of its scale.

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